Monday, February 1, 2010

Busy bee...

Is what I've been!

I've had a terrible few weeks. I was 95% finished novel number one when my hard drive crashed. Fortunately, I backed it up before Christmas, but, unfortunately, I wrote about 45k since then, so I've lost in or around half my novel. Not good.

I've also got a fair few problems with my computer dying. I had microsoft office, but now it may be gone. Another hundred quid down the drain. And don't get me started on OpenOffice, I hate the thing.

See my problem?

Apart from computer crashing woes, there's been some good things in my life. I've gotten a heck of a lot better at guitar, and have been reading a lot. Torey Hayden's my new obsession, I love her stuff.

And to finish, a microfiction Monday, thanks to Susan at Stony River

"What do you mean, Anne?" Mrs Robinson asked her daughter, angrily

"I'm leaving, Mother, and there's not-" she was hushed by grinding metal.

You can find the rest over on Susan's blog.


Susan at Stony River said...

LOL that was a short trip!

Sorry to hear about the lost half of the novel: I've lost a few too and wonder if I ever would have gotten them to go somewhere.

Love your ticker in the sidebar! I've got one too at the bottom of my page; I lost 2kg and got stuck. I'm being good and I'm exercising, I'm just...stuck. I'm hoping to break through it soon. Good luck with yours!

Nishant said...

its nice to lose weight

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