Monday, December 7, 2009

My school...

should really learn to block blogger. Or at least, block it when you're trying to blog. Because now I've spent my entire networking and computers class blogging. Boo hoo...technically it's teaching me the finer points of HTML. Or so I say, anyway.

The last week has been weird. Every time I go to blog, I've got nothing to blog about. I could talk about Paranormal Activity, or about staying at my nan's on Saturday, but I honestly think that anyone reading this would find it boring.

In short, I'm in a bit of a blogger's lull.

I didn't win NaNoWriMo. However, I won the Young Writer's Programme, which means that I win a free copy of my Novel. I'll wait till I finish it though.

I'll try blog later, when I'm not in so much of a lull...

1 comment:

Susan at Stony River said...

Well, as to NaNoWriMo, you did a lot better than I did! (0...LOL) And as to the lull, I'm reading blogs because it's the same here, just not knowing what to say. Another hour, and if I can't find something, I'll have to make something (probably lame).