Sunday, March 7, 2010


I've always hoped that I would never end up with a catastrophe happening to my family, but that died today.

I went to Cavan this weekend, to the Cavan Centre. It was an amazing weekend, and I had loads of fun. I really did. But when mam picked me up, I could tell something was wrong. We weren't in the car five minutes before she told me.

The shop burned down.

When I say burned down, I don't mean literally. In fact, it's still standing, mostly. But there's a lot of smoke damage, puddles from where the firemen did their stuff, melted plastic, warped glass, and broken glass from where they had to break the glass to stop it exploding onto the street.

The neighbours have been amazing, I can't fault them for that. They did everything they should, and more. It's been brilliant, but I can't get my head around it. That place has been such a huge part of my life for 2 years, 4 months...and it's gone.

Just gone.

1 comment:

Susan at Stony River said...

I am so, so sorry. And very glad that it's not your house, and that nobody was killed or hurt (at least I hope so!)

Our neighbours' house burned down and it was amazing, how much a family can lose. I've been backing up all my photos online, things like that. It's heartbreaking.